The Global Economy is Here to Stay

January 6, 2025, 3:15 pm Peter Bigelow

Worldwide collaboration still has a place in the printed circuit board supply chain.

As time marches on and technology, as well as economic and geopolitical events, change and evolve, one thing is as true today as it was decades ago: It is still a small world, after all!

From Microns to Nano

August 30, 2024, 2:17 pm Peter Bigelow

PCB designs will soon enter a new dimension in miniaturization.

Our industry has always been about creating cutting-edge, next-generation technology. Over decades this has been accomplished by striving to pack more capability in less space. The electronics industry, and printed circuits in particular, has accomplished this more often than not without specific definitions to either strive for, or be hindered by.

The 3 ‘Cs’ of Success

August 1, 2024, 11:25 am Peter Bigelow

The next generation of workers needs to understand how to be successful.

What we desperately need, or more specifically, what the West desperately needs is a generation of workers who understand and believe in the three critical “Cs” – commitment, concern and consistency.

Thinking, Big and Small

May 1, 2024, 3:43 pm Peter Bigelow

UHDI may be the next step, but what are the true limits of miniaturization?

How big is big? How small is small?

Some things sound simple but in reality are very hard, if not impossible, to fathom. Consider space. In its most simplistic form, space is simply “up there.” Look to the sky and that is space. Of course, scientists will then expand upon that to incorporate other planets, and again expand to include the solar system that encompasses those planets that circle the sun.

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